
So little Time,...

... so much to do. Not sure why but within the past few days, I have run into the common theme of feeling that I do not have enough time to organise all the things that need to be taken care of. Finding myself with seemingly endless to do lists, ending up with confusing thoughts and way too many open issues on my list. I will need to focus the next few days on preparing the defense of my diploma thesis, which is sceduled for next week in Berlin.

10 days left. The countdown is on.

1 Kommentar:

alex from berlin hat gesagt…

Travel preparation:
I know too well how that feels like. However I discovered, that in the end there are just a few things which u really should take care of:
- yr health + medicine
- valid passport + visas
- money + creditcard
the rest is luxury ;-)
and remember: there is always at least one thing u will forget!