
Ruins of Ayut(t)haya

We arrive in Bangkok, 5:30 am, Halloween Night, and kill some time on famous Khao San Road until the first train to Ayutthaya. Still I cannot warm up with this city.
In Ayutthaya we rent two old bikes for the day and hit the traffic of the city trying not to drive on the righthand side of the road or getting hit by a car, motorbike or tuktuk while passing roundabouts and street crossings.
Ayutthaya is the former capital of the siamese empior until the burmese came in 1767 and took over the city. Some people call this antique city "Venice of the East" but I am not quite sure this comparision suits either of the two cities.
With the bike we make our way through the ruins of the town and visit Wat Maha That as well as the complex of the ancient royale palace. It is a nice place, but somehow I was expecting something totally different.

1 Kommentar:

mareike hat gesagt…

yey! du hast die funktion für die farben benutzt! :)